Sunday, June 7, 2009

horror night.

just came out of seeing drag me to hell, bad to the bone! it was great!

p.s i like AlisonLohman

look before you leap.

yes yes!, I know I haven't been around for Months! lots of things have happened and lots of things haven't, for one shanna and I have found a great apartment about 20 minutes from where i now reside, so were very excited!, also I have been attempting to draw two comics at once, one with my friend Evan witch is coming along nicely, but decided to take a little break from it because Evan works rather slow.

Shanna is visiting her family in South Carolina so I'm taking this opportunity to work even harder!, except this comic is turning out to be more of a challenge that had expected, ive realized that a comitment to a comic is a very seriouse comitment, I rarely go out anywhere these days, it takes me a few days just to finish 1 panel reason being is that the panel is 12 inches long and 6 inches high, the way im drawing this story is very different(some might say stupid even, i will have preview later) I pretty much jumped into something i thought would be a cakewalk and found out it really isn't.

I have a copy of a drifting life by yoshihiro tatsumi on my desk for motivation.

i can do this! i will do this!

Monday, February 16, 2009

current events.

ive been playing left for dead way too much lately.
i shouldnt play pool for money.

another little doodle i did last night.